In the match part of a query, the pattern is described. The description of the pattern is made up of one or more paths, separated by commas.
Node identifiers can be used with or without surrounding parenthesis. These two match clauses are semantically identical:
MATCH (a)-->(b)
MATCH a-->b
All parts of the pattern must be directly or indirectly bound to a start point.
The optional relationship is a way to describe parts of the pattern that can evaluate to null if it can not be matched to the real graph. It’s the equivalent of SQL outer join - if Cypher finds one or more matches, they will be returned. If no matches are found, Cypher will return a null.
Optionality travels - if a part of the pattern can only be reached from a bound point through an optional relationship, that part is also optional. Also, named paths that contain optional parts are also optional - if any part of the path is null, the whole path is null.
In these example, b and p are all optional and can contain null:
START a=node(1)
MATCH p = a-[?]->b
START a=node(1)
MATCH p = a-[*?]->b
START a=node(1)
MATCH p = a-[?]->x-->b
START a=node(1), x=node(100)
MATCH p = shortestPath( a-[*?]->x )
The symbol --
means related to, without regard to type or direction.
START n=node(3) MATCH (n)--(x) RETURN x
All nodes related to A are returned
When the direction of a relationship is interesting, it is shown by using -->
or <--
, like this:
START n=node(3) MATCH (n)-->(x) RETURN x
All nodes that A has outgoing relationships to.
If an identifier is needed, either for filtering on properties of the relationship, or to return the relationship, this is how you introduce the identifier.
START n=node(3) MATCH (n)-[r]->() RETURN r
All outgoing relationships from node A.
When you know the relationship type you want to match on, you can specify it by using a colon.
START n=node(3) MATCH (n)-[:BLOCKS]->(x) RETURN x
All nodes that are BLOCKed by A.
If you both want to introduce an identifier to hold the relationship, and specify the relationship type you want, just add them both, like this.
START n=node(3) MATCH (n)-[r:BLOCKS]->() RETURN r
relationship going out from A.
Sometime your database will have types with non-letter characters, or with spaces in them. Use ` to escape these.
START n=node(3) MATCH (n)-[r:`TYPE WITH SPACE IN IT`]->() RETURN r
This returns a relationship of a type with spaces in it.
Relationships can be expressed by using multiple statements in the form of ()--()
, or they can be strung together, like this:
START a=node(3) MATCH (a)-[:KNOWS]->(b)-[:KNOWS]->(c) RETURN a,b,c
The three nodes in the path.
Nodes that are variable number of relationship→node hops can be found using -[:TYPE*minHops..maxHops]->
START a=node(3), x=node(2, 4) MATCH a-[:KNOWS*1..3]->x RETURN a,x
Returns the start and end point, if there is a path between 1 and 3 relationships away
a | x |
2 rows, 1 ms | |
When the connection between two nodes is of variable length, a relationship identifier becomes an iterable of relationships.
START a=node(3), x=node(2, 4) MATCH a-[r:KNOWS*1..3]->x RETURN r
Returns the start and end point, if there is a path between 1 and 3 relationships away
When using variable length paths that have the lower bound zero, it means that two identifiers can point to the same node. If the distance between two nodes is zero, they are, by definition, the same node.
START a=node(3) MATCH p1=a-[:KNOWS*0..1]->b, p2=b-[:BLOCKS*0..1]->c RETURN a,b,c, length(p1), length(p2)
This query will return four paths, some of them with length zero.
a | b | c | LENGTH(p1) | LENGTH(p2) |
4 rows, 3 ms | ||||
If a relationship is optional, it can be marked with a question mark. This similar to how a SQL outer join works, if the relationship is there, it is returned. If it’s not, null
is returned in it’s place. Remember that anything hanging of an optional relation, is in turn optional, unless it is connected with a bound node some other path.
START a=node(2) MATCH a-[?]->x RETURN a,x
A node, and null
, since the node has no relationships.
Just as with a normal relationship, you can decide which identifier it goes into, and what relationship type you need.
START a=node(3) MATCH a-[r?:LOVES]->() RETURN a,r
A node, and null
, since the node has no relationships.
Returning a property from an optional element that is null
will also return null
START a=node(2) MATCH a-[?]->x RETURN x,
The element x (null in this query), and null as it’s name.
Using Cypher, you can also express more complex patterns to match on, like a diamond shape pattern.
START a=node(3) MATCH (a)-[:KNOWS]->(b)-[:KNOWS]->(c), (a)-[:BLOCKS]-(d)-[:KNOWS]-(c) RETURN a,b,c,d
The four nodes in the path.
a | b | c | d |
1 rows, 2 ms | |||
Finding a single shortest path between two nodes is as easy as using the shortestPath-function, like this.
START d=node(1), e=node(2) MATCH p = shortestPath( d-[*..15]->e ) RETURN p
This means: find a single shortest path between two nodes, as long as the path is max 15 relationships long. Inside of the parenthesis you write a single link of a path - the starting node, the connecting relationship and the end node. Characteristics describing the relationship like relationship type, max hops and direction are all used when finding the shortest path. You can also mark the path as optional.
Finds all the shortest paths between two nodes.
START d=node(1), e=node(2) MATCH p = allShortestPaths( d-[*..15]->e ) RETURN p
This will find the two directed paths between David and Emil.
p |
2 rows, 0 ms |
If you want to return or filter on a path in your pattern graph, you can a introduce a named path.
START a=node(3) MATCH p = a-->b RETURN p
The two paths starting from the first node.
When your pattern contains a bound relationship, and that relationship pattern doesn specify direction, Cypher will try to match the relationship where the connected nodes switch sides.
START r=rel(0) MATCH a-[r]-b RETURN a,b
This returns the two connected nodes, once as the start node, and once as the end node
a | b |
2 rows, 1 ms | |
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