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A very simple Read-Eval-Print-Loop. Compiles one line at a time to JavaScript and evaluates it. Good for simple tests, or poking around the Node.js API. Using it looks like this:

coffee> console.log "#{num} bottles of beer" for num in [99..1]

Require the coffee-script module to get access to the compiler.

CoffeeScript = require './coffee-script'
readline     = require 'readline'
{inspect}    = require 'util'
{Script}     = require 'vm'

REPL Setup


enableColours = no
unless process.platform is 'win32'
  enableColours = not process.env.NODE_DISABLE_COLORS

Start by opening up stdin and stdout.

stdin = process.openStdin()
stdout = process.stdout

Log an error.

error = (err) ->
  stdout.write (err.stack or err.toString()) + '\n\n'

The current backlog of multi-line code.

backlog = ''

The main REPL function. run is called every time a line of code is entered. Attempt to evaluate the command. If there's an exception, print it out instead of exiting.

run = do ->
  sandbox =
    require: require
    module : { exports: {} }
  sandbox[g] = global[g] for g of global
  sandbox.global = sandbox
  sandbox.global.global = sandbox.global.root = sandbox.global.GLOBAL = sandbox
  (buffer) ->
    code = backlog += '\n' + buffer.toString()
    if code[code.length - 1] is '\\'
      return backlog = backlog[0...backlog.length - 1]
    backlog = ''
      val = CoffeeScript.eval code, {
        bare: on,
        filename: 'repl'
      unless val is undefined
        process.stdout.write inspect(val, no, 2, enableColours) + '\n'
    catch err
      error err


Regexes to match complete-able bits of text.

ACCESSOR  = /\s*([\w\.]+)(?:\.(\w*))$/
SIMPLEVAR = /\s*(\w*)$/i

Returns a list of completions, and the completed text.

autocomplete = (text) ->
  completeAttribute(text) or completeVariable(text) or [[], text]

Attempt to autocomplete a chained dotted attribute: one.two.three.

completeAttribute = (text) ->
  if match = text.match ACCESSOR
    [all, obj, prefix] = match
      val = Script.runInThisContext obj
    catch error
      return [[], text]
    completions = getCompletions prefix, getPropertyNames val
    [completions, prefix]

Attempt to autocomplete an in-scope free variable: one.

completeVariable = (text) ->
  if free = text.match(SIMPLEVAR)?[1]
    scope = Script.runInThisContext 'this'
    completions = getCompletions free, CoffeeScript.RESERVED.concat(getPropertyNames scope)
    [completions, free]

Return elements of candidates for which prefix is a prefix.

getCompletions = (prefix, candidates) ->
  (el for el in candidates when el.indexOf(prefix) is 0)

Return all "own" properties of an object.

getPropertyNames = (obj) ->
  (name for own name of obj)

Make sure that uncaught exceptions don't kill the REPL.

process.on 'uncaughtException', error

Create the REPL by listening to stdin.

if readline.createInterface.length < 3
  repl = readline.createInterface stdin, autocomplete
  stdin.on 'data', (buffer) -> repl.write buffer
  repl = readline.createInterface stdin, stdout, autocomplete

repl.setPrompt 'coffee> '
repl.on  'close',  -> stdin.destroy()
repl.on  'line',   run